mercredi 12 décembre 2018



1)Define ‘smartphone lifestyle’

In my opinion, the lifestyle of smartphones corresponds to the use we make today of smartphones. The phone is no longer a simple object to make calls, it has become an object of company: we confide in him, we ask him to record the schedule of our day and remind us of important appointments . We consult him to find out what our people are doing. Even worse, we are being asked to answer our unanswered questions. It's now a payment way as our credit card so one and so one. That a smartphone lifestyle.

2) What is meant by mobile first?

The concept of mobile first on this article is really simple is to think smartphone before to think computer. All the institutions think to create aplication website, engine so on... for smarthphone before the computer. Before all the company had trend to make a website for the computer then after to create a responsive version for smarthphone. Now, this trend is not as simple as much, the smartphone's sells still growrh but the computer's sells still decrease.

3)   Compare 2 hotels smartphone + main booking sites for effectiveness

    • You may choose a business other than hotels, if you wish

      For the first case I choose the international flight company EasyJet. 

      In both versions, I find it very easy to book your flight. Both versions are very intuitive.
      However, when it comes to customer service, it's much more convenient to access the web version, the help topics are more directly visible.The navigation options are in my opinion much more accessible on the WEB version for the simple reason that the navigation menu is not a submenu, it is directly visible in the header of the page. Also what is missing on the responsive version is the attractiveness. as if the responsive version was only for booking. There is no interaction as we can see on the WEB version with image scrolling. Information about promotional offers. For me who only makes flight reservations on my cell phone, I would not have been aware of all the promotional offers of the moment.I find that the web version is even more effective for finding information. The scriptures are clearer l. The images are very intuitive. As for the responsive version, I think it was made for the purpose of reserving only that why the reservation tool appears as the sole element of the page.
      Key criterias
      Criteria for effective smartphone experience

      Take little bit of time to download 
      Key actions are on home page
      Easy to book your Flight, The booking tools is the first think that you seen when you arrives on the home page. So the min purpose of this website can be understand easily. 
      Easy to book your Flight, The booking tools is the first think that you seen when you arrives on the home page. So the main purpose of this website can be understand easily. 
      The navigation options are in my opinion much more accessible on the WEB version for the simple reason that
      the navigation on submenu but the navigation still very intuitive.

      Less attractive because of the lack images.
      Booking Engine

      Promotional offers are not visible
      Nothing is sharable. In the intuitive way we know where to find the social media which are on the footer of the website
      no visible. 

      For the second case, I choose the international Hotel group corporate IHG. 

      In the case of IHG we have different versions. We can see that each version has a specific role. On the web verion, all key information is visible at first glance. I would even say that we instinctively understand or have to look to find information such as the number of hotel throught the world, where is it necessary to make his booking. About the responsive version. The home page is very empty. The only thing that highlights it is the login and subscription request. In fact, I think that the WEB version is intended primarily to encourage booking while the responsive version is intended primarily to expand a network of members. Thus we do not find any information such as contact, the locations of hotels. Su the web version during our search scrowling can be too long and the repetition of the scrolling gesture makes navigation annoying. Both versions are very fast at the loading level. Despite the many photos is less than two seconds for the web version. Again, the offers of the moment are not visible at all on the responsive version. This version is really minimliste. The sharing networks are barely visible whereas these are clearly visible in the Web version. In fact everything is much more visible on the web version.

      Key criterias
      Criteria for effective smartphone experience
      -The colors are complementary and respect the brand colors.
      -Take less than 2sec to download 
      The colors are complementary and respect the brand colors.
      -Take less than 2sec to download 
      Key actions are on home page
      Easy to make a reservation

      -All information about the hotel location are written 
      -reservation as a main purpose is not respected. The responsive version is more to joined the community IHG.
      -Home page seems really empty
      On the web version during our search scrowling can be too long and the repetition of the scrolling gesture makes navigation annoying

      -Not too much images 
      Less attractive because of the lack images.
      Booking Engine

      Promotional offers are not visible
      Nothing is sharable. In the intuitive way we know where to find the social media which are on the footer of the website
      Sharing net work really visible
      Nothing is sharable. In the intuitive way we know where to find the social media which are on the footer of the website
      There is not sharing net work

      4) Which mobile site best suited the Smartphone Lifestyle?  Why?

      In my opinion the mobile site best suited the Smartphone Lifestyle is the IHG website. As explain the IHG mobile website is not a minimalist version of them website. Is more a version created for if you would like to become an IHG member. In this way you can benefit of some offer from IHG.

      5) What improvements would you make to improve  the site + experience?

      For the easyjet site, I think it would be really helpful if thy made an access to information much easier. in order to find the information we are looking for, we must find the standard questions that correspond to the subject of our research. The results of the search when a booking is made should be distributed by page and not gathered on a single page which would make the navigation less boring. Because clicking then scroller removes this repetitive side.

      About IHG, I don't have lot of to say. The only thing is the large amount of information on the home page. I think he should leave the important information and put the rest in a submenu.

                  6) Embed your presentation