mardi 4 décembre 2018

Artificial Intelligence

What is an AI ?

The word Artificial Intelligence comprises of two words “Artificial” and “Intelligence”. Artificial refers to something which is made by human or non natural thing and Intelligence means ability to understand or think. There is a misconception that Artificial Intelligence is a system, but it is not a system .AI is implemented in the system. There can be so many definition of AI, one definition can be “It is the study of how to train the computers so that computers can do things which at present human can do better.”Therefore It is a intelligence where we want to add all the capabilities to machine that human contain.
Its just a technique that enables the machines to act like humans by replicating their behavior and nature. The best exemple to illustrate what i'm trying to define is the autonomous car.

Video explanation of an autonomous car an exemple of AI

What is a Machine learning ? 

 Machine Learning is the learning in which machine can learn by its own without being explicitly programmed. It is an application of AI that provide system the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience. Here we can generate a program by integrating input and output of that program. One of the simple definition of the Machine Learning is “Machine Learning is said to learn from experience E w.r.t some class of task T and a performance measure P if learners performance at the task in the class as measured by P improves with experiences.”


Difference between a Machine learning and an AI ? 

I would said that the ML is a part of AI. AI is more about reproducing Human being behavior and ML is about to treat and to analyse data which is coming from human.
AI stands for Artificial intelligence, where intelligence is defined acquisition of knowledge intelligence is defined as a ability to acquire and apply knowledge.ML stands for Machine Learning which is defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skill
The aim is to increase chance of success and not accuracy.The aim is to increase accuracy, but it does not care about success
It work as a computer program that does smart workIt is a simple concept machine takes data and learn from data.
The goal is to simulate natural intelligence to solve complex problemThe goal is to learn from data on certain task to maximize the performance of machine on this task.
AI is decision making.ML allows system to learn new things from data.
It leads to develop a system to mimic human to respond behave in a circumstances.It involves in creating self learning algorithms.
AI will go for finding the optimal solution.ML will go for only solution for that whether it is optimal or not.
AI leads to intelligence or wisdom.ML leads to knowledge.

Visual that explain AI

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "qu'est ce que l'intelligence artificielle"

A SlideShare which well explain AI  

Artificial Intelligence de Girish Naik

What is a "Passive Website"? How does this compare to a personalized pages delivered to a guest using a hotel website ? 

What he mean by "passive website" is a website which does not permit any interaction. This is what he call "old fashion traditional user experience". For the hotel this kind of website does not convert the online users to customers. 
Custom website use  learning machines that collect data and analyze the behavior of users in order to adapt information to his needs 

How can personalization of webpages permit more hotel direct bookings vs.
OTAs ?

Actually OTAs are more about find a better deals for the customers. They use meta engin to search what gonna be the better price according to the whats the customers are looking for. 
Personalization is efficient to generate direct booking. It's all about improvement of customers experience. To made an offer entire personalize from minutes customer comes to the hotel website. 

Why, in your opinion, do travelers expect more personalization ?
Find one resource to support your opinion - link to that resource.

For travelers personalization means unique experience and that the point. Give to customer desire to come back again and again because we help them to find the better option. For the customers nothing is better than to have a direct relation with the hotels. They feel more secure to give them informations details to an hotel than to a OTAs.

What keeps Frank Reeves ‘awake at night’ - worries him? Do you agree or
disagree? Why?

Frank Reeves thinks that in 15 years all the OTA gonna control totally the hotel industry market. I'm agree with that because they are the principle sellers on the market. They control 70% of the hotel room booking. The hotels are struggling because of that.

What tools does Frank Reeves think will be important to hotel bookings in the
next 5 to 10 years?

-Google home
-Smart TV
-Voice recognition